Frequently Asked Questions ...

Q I've received a letter from the Domain Renewal Group...

See also: Domain Registry of America

Ignore this letter!!! They are pretty much running the same scam as the Domain Registry of America. They send out a letter warning that if you don't renew your domain your business could be seriously affected etc...
However if you send them money all you have done is authorise them to transfer your domain from your current ISP or domain registrar (in the case of Pure Energy customers... this means us!) to them - and this may end up costing you a lot more in the future in both renewal fees and transfer away fees when you realise what you've done!
The ONLY people responsible for your domain is us (or your current ISP or domain registrar).... we are the only people you need to correspond with or pay money to!
Keywords: scams, renewal letters, domain renewal, fake letters, domain theft, stolen, improper



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